Visit Cirebon, A Budget Friendly City in Indonesia


Cirebon, A Must Visit Budget Friendly City in Indonesia

This article was also featured in Jakarta Post Travel “Five must-visit budget-friendly cities” on August 20, 2014, compiled and edited by Novani Nugrahani.

Cirebon is known as the “city of shrimp” due to its large shrimp industry. It is also on the list of budget-friendly cities, nominated by Awan Yulianto, an avid traveler behind

Visit Cirebon, A Budget Friendly City in Indonesia, Travelawan

Only a three-hour journey from Jakarta, you will be entranced by the beautiful view of green paddy fields as well as the sight of Mount Ciremai standing not far from Cirebon.

Cirebon has a unique culture thanks to its location on the border between West and Central Java, as well as on the north coast of the island. “Much of its old architecture was influenced by Sundanese and Javanese styles, as well as Chinese and Islamic styles,” Awan said.

Visit Cirebon, A Budget Friendly City in Indonesia, Travelawan

Cirebon’s must-visit spots include the Kasepuhan Palace, the oldest palace in Cirebon, built in 1447. If you have more time, you could also visit the Kanoman Palace and the Kacirebonan Palace.

For food lovers, delicious traditional food is available across the city. Empal Gentong (spicy currylike beef soup), Nasi Jamblang (white rice with various side dishes like beef stew, boiled egg and tofu served on teak leaves), Nasi Lengko (white rice mixed with fried tofu, fried tempeh, bean sprouts and cut chive leaves. all drenched in peanut sauce) and Tahu Gejrot (small cut fried tofu covered in spicy marinated sauce) are just some of the popular traditional dishes that you can try in Cirebon.

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Before heading home, don’t forget to stop by the Batik Trusmi village for a cheap batik shopping spree. “Cirebon’s batik is different from that you would find in Yogyakarta and Surakarta because of its bright color and different patterns,” Awan explained.

What’s more, all the batik fabrics displayed at Trusmi village are usually sold directly from the batik artisans, which means you can happily shop there and bring home batik at a reasonable price.

Visit Cirebon, A Budget Friendly City in Indonesia, Travelawan

*** Cirebon Culinary Experience

Nasi Jamblang Mang Dul
Jln. Cipto Mangunkusumo No. 4, Cirebon 45132
(Across Grage Mall)
Open Daily: 4 am – 3 pm and 5 pm – 12 am
Tel: (0231) 206 564

Nasi Jamblang Ibu Nur
Jln. Cangkring II No. 34 (enter from Jalan Raya Tentara Pelajar)
Open Daily: 7 am – 10 pm
Twitter: @nasjamIbuNur

Empal Gentong & Empal Asem H. Apud
Jln. Ir. H. Juanda No. 24
Battembat Plered, Cirebon
Tel: (0231) 211 055 / 0821 1533 7650

Empal Gentong Mang Darma (Original)
Jln. Slamet Riyadi, Krucuk, Cirebon
(Just beside BTN Bank – the only one in Cirebon)
Open Daily from 7.30 am
Tel: 0812 2217 7017

Empal Gentong Rasa
Jln. Tuparev No. 17
(In front of police station – Polsek Utara Barat)
Tel: (0231) 237 029 / 0812 2213 4427

Nasi Lengko Pagongan Pak H. Barno
Jln. Pagongan (across Yamaha Music)
Open Daily – morning until 9 pm

Visit Cirebon, A Budget Friendly City in Indonesia, Travelawan

*** Cirebon Budget Hotel

Hotel Amaris Cirebon
Jln. Siliwangi No.70, Cirebon, Jawa Barat
Tel: (62-231) 829 0066
Fax: (62-231) 829 0060

Hotel Sidodadi
Jln. Siliwangi 72, Cirebon 45124
Tel: 62 231 202305 – 208639
Fax: 62 231 210023

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Hotel Slamet
Jln. Siliwangi No. 95, Cirebon
Tel: (0231) 203 296 / 200 324

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